Welcome to Cams Biometrics! I am CBot, I'll guide you through verifying if your biometric machine is supported by our API. Please follow instructions carefully for quick verification. Let's begin!
     -->Please carefully read the Learn More link and ensure that the requested hardware configurations are complete. Once ready, tick the above options to begin the verification process.

Important Instruction

  1. Before beginning the verification process, please ensure that your device is connected to the Internet.
  2. During the verification, you'll be asked to perform multiple actions on your device.
  3. Please follow the instructions carefully, performing each action one by one until you receive the 'Verified' message.
  4. If your device cannot connect to this developer bot, it may not be supported by our Web API.

Every biometric device is working on its own protocol which is preparatory to the manufacture. So, to make the 3rd devices working with our API, it is mandatory to make sure the device is working on our protocol. Hence the update of protocol required. Various models from ZkTeco, eSSL, Mantra, RealTime, Suprema, BioMax, Matrix, Secugen, CAMS, Morpho biometrics are supported by our web api.

a. If you only want to test receiving real-time punch logs to your server, please select this option.
b. If you want to test both receiving real-time punch logs to your server and managing user information on the device, please select this option.